Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Great Puffle Party!

HEY! Long time no see! XD I'm very busy with my studies but nevermind i'm here now. So what have you guys been up to? Anyways , there's a puffle party and my best friend and I fooled around a bit... Here are some pics we took today!
Hey don't think I'm ill-treating them or anything because i'm not. We were practicing for a video called "Evil puffle" and i was supposed to be the evil puffle.

On my way to bed....... I was so sleepy i talked in broken English so I hope you don't mind XD
And some extra pictures after we were done....

Oooh look out for more pics! Hope you enjoyed though they aren't even funny. And don't think I was mean to them or anything ok? OK BYE! ;D


1 comment:

  1. How awesome to see all my puffles in pic even me :)Great post hinatalma4 keep up the work.
